Saturday, October 14, 2023

More AI Blah.

Facebook Homepage Response: AI Stuff. 

JUST the word "illusion," that AI generates and many seemingly are fond of, doesn't move me. "Artificial" to me is close to saying "fake." Of course, AI can perfect (verb) art, photography, music, literature. But do I like "perfect," nope. I am an imperfect human being with no illusion of perfection. Existence is it. Not a robot.   

       Example, the excitement of mere anticipation of a poetry workshop gathering then was to experience knowing flaws in your work and then try to fix it for next week. If poetry is perfect why the hell write one? AI can do it. What happens to the poet? Zombie? LOL!

MACHINES are fine. Wooden cart to bicycle to horse/carriage to Toyota Sedan. Firewood to clay kiln to LPG stove to microwaves. Slingshot to sword to 22 Magnum to missiles etc (which is NOT okay though). But today's AI covers practically all facets or reflexes of human existence, including war machinery or conflict technology. Plus the resources wasted in pursuit and consumption of AI? 

       When the fact is we haven't even lessened the basic or gut needs of humanity such as hunger and homelessness and sickness or prevention of deadly diseases. Not here to influence people about how I view AI though. Just speaking my mind. Yet since AI or far-out technology is owned and controlled by global 1 Percent, AI will eventually rule the world. 

      If I am still alive by then, I will still be speaking/writing my mind against it. 🤖👎🤖

I DON’T see the sense in "perfecting" human existence via current computer technology or Artificial Intelligence. We are by nature flawed, "incomplete," fragile etcetera and so the pursuit of a level of "contentment" per level of progression or stages of life makes living worth, well, living. 

       If a machine a.k.a. AI can do everything, what is the point in human labor or human intellect? I mean, if I get a better car that could stand snowstorm or flood during travel, why not? But I don't need a car that drives by itself because driving with human hands is an integral part of the “drive activity.” If I only earn 5 and then gets extra 15 next week as bonus, my joy is enjoyed (ha!) but I am sure "joy" would be less if the struggle is out of the equation of work. Because I already got 5s and 15s 155x more than my lifetime requires. 

       The sublimity in writing poetry and crafting art is in the process that is why it is called achievement. Etc etcetera. Besides, are AI or technology free? Can AI stop a war over making destruction and killing faster and easier and in heightened impunity? Can AI feed all the hungry, house all the homeless, heal all the sick, or stop a natural disaster? Certainly not. 

       Yet all the money spent, just for R&D of new AI-enhanced tech, which are billions$, can do a lot to fix crises while we are still living imperfect lives. Because the world or earth is imperfect, anyways. 🤖👎🤖